We are now shipping to the following states:


โญ๏ธ Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming โญ๏ธ


If your state is NOT on this list please PM us and we can work to get you added.



Shipped Hatching Egg Disclaimer




Please note that not all breeds may be available when your order is placed. Some breeds have a 2-3 week waiting list. We will be transparent about any wait times when your order is placed.

Our eggs are collected daily (multiple times a day at that) and all orders are filled with the freshest eggs possible. Your incubation conditions and practices are beyond our control so we cannot guarantee your hatch success. Before placing your order for hatching eggs please understand there will be no refunds and no guarantees on your hatching eggs regardless of circumstances. Packages will be shipped USPS Priority Mail.

We recommend purchasing twice as many eggs as you want chicks if you are hoping to get hens. Statistically, your hatch should yield 50% males and 50% females. We also recommend purchasing a few extra to increase your likelihood of hatching your ideal number of chicks.

โญ๏ธ Please understand that not all eggs from each breed will be available at all times in any quantity you desire. Our girls take breaks too! โญ๏ธ

๐Ÿ›‘ You are always taking a risk with getting shipped hatching eggs. This is not a convenience that comes without a price.

Even though our eggs are collected and packed with the utmost care, show optimal fertility when tested in our own incubators (90% on average), and have an outstanding hatch rate here (90+%), there is absolutely no way that we have any control of what happens to the eggs once they leave our hands.

A box labeled “fragile” is often still dropped, thrown or mishandle during some contact point from here to there. This is how eggs become cracked, scrambled, and air cells become detached.

I want people to hatch my eggs; I don't want to just sell eggs-I really want them to do well with them.

I also don’t want you to be disappointed in your purchases so please, please, PLEASE, do some reading and homework on your own to make sure this is a risk you understand and one that you are willing to make!

At the end of the day we all make sacrifices for the breeds and varieties we are really passionate about and I am happy to ship to you if you choose our flock!

If you decide to commit to shipped eggs there are a few pieces of information that may make your hatches more successful…..

โญ๏ธ CALIBRATE YOUR INCUBATOR - this means placing an additional (already calibrated) thermometer and hydrometer in your incubator when you start it up. You do this BEFORE adding any eggs. The thermometer and the incubator should read the same temp. If they do not, adjustments need to be considered. Same with the hydrometer.

โญ๏ธ Next, once the eggs arrive, do not attempt to clean them. (Our birds lay clean eggs, but you may have eggs from other sources as well). The eggs don’t need to be spotless, and trying to clean them may drive bacteria through the protective shell.

โญ๏ธ Do, however, allow the eggs time to settle before placing them in your incubator. Settling gives the eggs a rest after being jostled during transport and also gives them time to adjust to a uniform temperature before incubation begins.

(There are different methods to settling so do some research to see what you prefer)

Eggs shipped by mail are highly unlikely to hatch at the same rate as fresher eggs that are not subjected to the rigors of transport. But settling them before incubation should improve the hatch rate, compared to eggs that have not been settled.


Questions welcome! Happy hatching! ๐Ÿฅš ๐Ÿฃ ๐Ÿฅ 



Hatching Eggs/dozen

  • $150 shipped
  • $100 local pick up 


  • Starting @ $20/each 

Started Pullets

  • Starting @ $45/each (pricing based on age)